Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Chronik der Kirche Jesu Christi der Heiligen der letzten Tage in der Schweiz: 1850 bis 2003. Editor: Christian Gräub

This was a book that I had been reading on and off for a period of about two years, and covers the history of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints in Switzerland from 1850 (when proselyting first began in Switzerland) to 2003. It is a very informative and detailed account, outlining specific important dates in the history of the Church in Switzerland, and is a highly valuable history resource.

I ended up buying this book while I was serving as a missionary for the Church between 2005 - 2007. It was my aim to get myself educated on how the church began to be established there, and to learn about the many missionaries that had gone before me. I was interested to learn that many of the harships I experienced on my mission were similar challenges these pioneers had to face as well, and taught me to appreciate the sacrifices that those early missionaries made, so that the Church could continue to grow and flourish in this beautiful country.

Unfortunately, the book is only available in German, so the book is restricted mainly to a German-speaking audience. It is nonetheless a highly recommended read for anybody (in particular members of the Church) who are interested in learning about the development of the Church in other countries.

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