Image taken from OBS Book reviews
The sequel to Fallen is just as good as its predecessor. While I NOW know what the story line is about, I ended up buying the book to find out what happens next, and not because of another stunning front cover (although, to tell you the truth, I really like the front cover to this as well)...
At this stage, Luce has just found out that she is in love with a fallen Angel. She and Daniel have been together for centuries (hence all the de ja vu feelings in the first book), and that ever seventeen years or so, he has to watch her die and come back to him again, reincarnated, all because of his choice to be with her instead of tending to his heavenly duties. This is all that Luce knows so far about her past. But because she didn't die like she was supposed to this time around, everybody - angels, demons, even Luce herself - are confused as to why things are different this time around. There is talk of end of days, the final battle, when eventually angels and demons will have to fight again for the last time. And there are a truck load of other supernatural beings all either fighting for Luce to join their side, or simply to kill her off. These are very dangerous times for Luce and for the people she cares about.
On the plus side, the "shadows" that Luce had originally mistaken in the first book to be bad omens are actually quite helpful in helping her glimpse into her past lives. She learns at her new school how to summon them and be able to see into her past for clues as to what her relationship with Daniel had been like in the past. But will this knowledge end up furthering enlightening her on her past, or destroy her hopes of her ever being together with Daniel for eternity? One must read on to find out...
While the content in this book is still pretty dark, I found the book to be more comical than the first one was. There are new characters introduced who add a bit of humour to the plot. Not that this is a bad thing, as the characters are quite likeable. And there's another love interest added to the plot, with Miles also trying to get with Luce. AND, Luce is wondering whether it would be better to be with him or not, so the relationship with her and Daniel gets more complicated than it originally was.
In all accounts, a very good read indeed. Cannot wait until the third installment comes out in a couple of months time!
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